Test Book 1: CCNP Practice Test

Welcome to TestBook1 for CCNP exam preparation! Our platform provides comprehensive study materials to help beginners prepare for the CCNP certification exam, covering topics such as advanced routing, switching, troubleshooting, and security.

With TestBook1 for CCNP, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills necessary to pass the CCNP exam and take your networking career to the next level. Join our platform today and take the first step towards achieving your goals!

The actual CCNP exam is timed, with 120 minutes to complete the test. It consists of 60-70 questions, and the passing score is 790 out of 1000. At TestBook1, we believe that practice is the key to success. That’s why we offer a range of practice exams to help you prepare for the actual exam. Every time you practice with TestBook1, you will get 10 different questions, ensuring that you are fully prepared to tackle any challenge on the exam day.

Join us and practice TestBook1 for CCNP exam preparation today and take your networking skills to the next level!

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