Test Book 2: CCNP Practice Test
Welcome to TestBook2, the ultimate platform for CCNP exam preparation! Our comprehensive study materials cover all aspects of the CCNP certification exam, including advanced routing, switching, troubleshooting, and security.
By choosing TestBook2, you’ll gain the skills and knowledge required to pass the CCNP exam and excel in your networking career. Sign up with us today and take the first step towards achieving your goals!
The CCNP exam is timed, with 120 minutes to complete the test. It consists of 60-70 questions, and you must score 790 out of 1000 to pass. The exam fee is approximately $400-$450, depending on your location.
At TestBook2, we believe that practice is key to success. Our platform offers a range of practice exams, each containing 20 questions that you can complete in just 20 minutes. Every time you take a practice exam with TestBook2, you’ll receive a unique set of questions, ensuring that you’re well-prepared for the real test.
Practice here using TestBook2 for CCNP exam preparation today and boost your networking skills to the next level!